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Signature Course Clarity

Join me for a LIVE 3 Day Bootcamp where together, we'll put together the complete outline for an irresistible and strategic signature online course that can help you scale your business to $10k months (in part-time hours).

Over the course of just 3 days, you'll know your profitable online course topic, your program name, pricing and inclusions, as well as every single module mapped out, together with crystal clear clarity on how to make it a magnetic, no-brainer offer for your Cloud 9 Clients.

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This one goes out to all the coaches, consultants and service providers who have 'create online course' on their to-do list for 2024...

Creating an online course is one thing. Creating a sellable and scalable one requires strategy from the get-go.

If you're ready to create an asset in your business that can help you scale to $10k+ months in part-time hours, the time to create your signature online course (aka a predictable, time-leveraged revenue stream) in your business... is now.

Have you ever woken up and felt snowed under by the endless to-do list of growing and running your business and seeing 1:1 clients?

Like... could you just pause time for a second, or temporarily take a break from all your clients and delivery (but still get paid) so that you could actually get a minute to do the other 3654 things on your business to-do list?

... and you might be dreaming of creating a signature online course... but that dream has been sitting on the to-do list for far too long.

It's time to [finally] get that signature online course off the ground and I'm here to help you put all the pieces together to ensure it's a success.

If you answer yes to one of these, you're going to love Signature Course Clarity

  • You have ‘create online course’ on your dream list (and ASAP would be amazing!) but you're not sure where to start - you have questions buzzing around your head like "what would I even create a course about?" and "what price should I make it?"
  • You're a burnt out service provider and want to create an asset in your business that leverages your time and that you can create once... and then sell again and again and again
  • You're ready for an online business and want clarity on exactly how to package your offers, who you're marketing to and how to get started
  • You're nailing your 1:1 services, and now you're ready to add another profitable revenue stream into your business, and want to get it right from the get-go
  • You're a busy business owner and feel overwhelmed at where to start with creating a stellar signature program and want to work through the blueprint so you have ultra-clarity
  • You know a signature online course is the next right step - but you need some accountability and motivation to start putting it together
  • You're already a course creator but you're feeling deflated because your results thus far haven't been what you've expected - you need help troubleshooting and want to start from the top down.

Here's what we'll accomplish together:

Your Magnetic, Zero to Hero Transformation

We’re going to step beyond ‘25 - 45 year old female’ - totally boring and unhelpful information and step a BIG layer deeper into understanding exactly who our Cloud 9 Client is, how we help them and what they desperately need from us so we can create big time connection and trust factor, and a truly meaningful and helpful product or service.

By the end of Day One, you'll know exactly:

  • What topic and transformation your online course will be about (and whether it will be profitable)
  • How to understand and speak to your audience in a "OMG she gets me' magnetic way (that can be carried across everything in your business - from growing your socials to building your website and everything in between)
Your Lust-Have Complete Course Blueprint

Now that you understand your audience, we’ll help you put together a drool-worthy blueprint for your online course and map out your modules and deliverables so you know exactly how to get people from Zero to Hero in the best and most sellable way possible (with our easy post-it note strategy)

By the end of Day Two, you'll know exactly:

  • How long your Signature Online Course will be, how to structure your modules, what will be included and in which order you'll deliver each module. You'll have your entire course blueprint - ready to deploy!
  • How to create an online course that replaces your 1:1 clients (even if right now it feels like there's no way you could systemise your bespoke support into something scalable).
  • How to kick-start your welcome momentum (so that people jump in and actually get started).
  • How to package your online course together so that it's irresistible and highly value to your Cloud 9 Client.
Packaging for Peace and Profit

You cannot create big ripple effects in the world or scale a program or product, if it’s losing money. Here we’ll teach you how to find a feel good price (for everyone), how to structure a payment plan, the ideal length of your online course or program, what else to include and how to convey a high value in your products and services.

By the end of Day Three, you'll know exactly:

  • What price to charge for your signature online course (that feels like a STEAL for your Cloud 9 Client)
  • What to factor into your Signature Online Course costs and promotions and how to position your Course for ultimate conversions
  • How to put together your payment plans, what currency to charge in and minimise clients defaulting on payments
  • How to get unstuck on things like tech and pricing, and moving forward in the most impactful way.

A signature online course is the #1 way to create an asset in your business that will deliver consistent, repeatable and time-leveraged revenue (for years to come) that can scale to $10k months (without needing you "in it" all the time.

The Bootcamp Schedule

Here's the full schedule so you can plan out your time and see when we're getting started:

  • Monday 11 March: Signature Course Clarity Bootcamp begins!
  • Tuesday 12 March: Day 1 Training
  • Wednesday 13 March: Day 2 Training
  • Thursday 14 March: Day 3 Training
  • Monday 18 March: Course Clarity Q+A Session
  • Tuesday 19 March: Bonus Masterclass
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When you enroll in Signature Course Clarity, you'll receive

LIVE Daily Trainings

Each day, you'll receive live and interactive trainings with me, where you can ask questions, get real life examples and engage with other current and aspiring course creators.

Value: $297

Step-by-Step Workbooks

Jaw-droppingly good workbooks to help you deep dive into and uncover your secret sauce and your irresistible course content. These documents will become your messaging bible!

Value: $97

Lifetime Access

If you're building your business in the margins of naptimes and 9 - 5's, or you're located halfway across the globe - this is for you - you'll receive lifetime access to all trainings, in your own private poral (with workbooks) to go at your own pace.

Value: $97

Exclusive Private Popup Facebook Community

Join our FUN Facebook Group filled with current and aspiring course creators - just like you - to help you network, stay accountable, get your questions answered and ensure you actually get the course clarity you joined for.

Value: $197

BONUS: Exclusive Course Clarity Q+A Session

After the challenge, you'll have the weekend to catch up, brainstorm your next steps and then join us back in the room for an ask anything Course Q+A with me.

Value: $297

BONUS TRAINING: 3 secrets to create a six figure+ online business (in part-time hours)

Join me in this LIVE training where I'll walk you through 3 secrets to create a six figure+ online business (in part-time hours). In this class, I'll share the 3 types of revenue you need for a low-stress, predictable and sustainable business.

Enroll in Signature Course Clarity and Receive....

  • Day 1 Training: Your Magnetic, Zero to Hero Transformation (Value $99)
  • Day 2 Training: Your lust-have offer blueprint (Value $99)
  • Day 3: Packaging for Peace and Profit (Value $99)
  • Exclusive Pop up Facebook Group (Value $197)
  • Step-by-Step Workbooks (Value $97)
  • Course Q+A Session (Value $297)
  • FREE BONUS Live Masterclass


Today's Price = just $47 usd

*This is a special offer at $47. You do not want to miss this opportunity.



  • Working time 24/7 all days
  • Free Tea & Coffee
  • Max 15 team members
  • Superfast wifi

money back



100% Risk Free

My Raving Fan or Risk Free Guarantee

I am so confident that - even if you've done niche work or planned out your signature course work before  - this program will be filled with golden aha and mic drop moments to help you feel like everything is falling into place - so much so - that if, after the first training goes live - if you don't absolutely love it and want more (which I'm so confident you will) - simply email our team before the second training goes live at hello@robynbirkin.com and we'll process a full refund for you, no questions asked. No hoops. No love lost. Just big value or your money back.

Frequently Asked Questions...

What time/timezone are the live workshops?

They'll all be held at 7.00am AWST (Perth time), which means they'll be the night before in the US/Canada etc but know that they'll all be recorded and uploaded into your own private course portal so you can watch the replay and (unlike other programs) you'll receive lifetime access so you can come back to this training again and again.

I’m not sure I want to give up 1:1 coaching though… will this help?

Yes! This is also going to give you incredible clarity on your audience, how to craft your messaging - on your website, on social media and on all the things and get really clear on exactly who you help and why - regardless of your method of delivery.

I’ve tried creating an online course before but I just feel so overwhelmed!

Now is your time! And I’m here to help you every step of the way and help you [finally] get started. One of the reasons you may be feeling overwhelmed is because you don’t have clarity on the beginning steps and messaging - this is going to help you get crystal clear on what steps are involved, where you’re headed, and the information in this is going to be pure gold for all for the future elements of your program and product, including worksheets, sales pages, social content and more.

I don’t have a large audience (or any audience!) should I focus on that first?

One thing not many people talk about is that launches grow audiences, and programs and products are what we should be building our social media content around - so if you’ve been spinning your wheels on social media and not getting anywhere, one of the reasons for that might be because you haven’t had clarity on your Cloud 9 Client and how you specifically help them - enter Day 1 of this challenge, when it’s all going to come together for you.

Also, social media and marketing are an ongoing task in your business so that task will never end, whereas creating your program is an asset with leveraged work (i.e. largely once and done). The sooner you create your framework and program, the sooner you can automate so many areas of your business, and then really dive into audience growth.

I already have a program… but it’s just not doing well

You’ll LOVE this. If you have a program or product that isn’t doing the best, chances are it could be a problem right at the start: the messaging or the transformation. Before we throw the baby out with the bathwater, we need to temperature check these two areas - and the great news is - it might just be a few sales page and social tweaks and you’ll be off to the races!

Meet your Host

Hi, I'm Robyn Birkin and I'm the go-to consultant for women who believe it's possible to earn more, while doing less.

My superpower? Helping women in business create, launch and grow strategic and sophisticated funnels and digital programs that allow them to reclaim their time and step away from the 1:1 income ceiling and burnout. 

1 million+
podcast downloads

students + growing

6 figures
in six hours per week

25+ years
experience + qualifications

The freedom formula for busy and burnt out service providers...

Here's what 12 months from now could look like.... The choice is yours

Option 1: Continue to Grind

You do nothing. An online course is the dream, but you're too busy right now/want to wait to build your audience/think you'll just try again on your own/[insert other perfectly valid reason that will keep you stuck here].

In 12 months' time, you're still chained to Zoom with the same business, same problems you're having now and you're *still* a burnt out and busy service provider with no time, no email list and no strategy waiting for the perfect moment (that never comes).

Option 2: Set the Freedom Wheels in Motion

You decide that there's no better time than now, and want the fast track to freedom and decide to get started. You know success isn't instant, so you commit to getting started with Signature Course Clarity, and then validating and launching your online course. You tweak, refine and improve your online course as you go.

In 12 months' time, here you are, on holiday while sales come through on your phone, because you have a rinse and repeat strategy in your business for launching,  and now you're ready to scale your part-time, profitable signature course.


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Signature Course Clarity

  • Day 1 Training: Your Magnetic, Zero to Hero Transformation (Value $99)
  • Day 2 Training: Your lust-have offer blueprint (Value $99)
  • Day 3: Packaging for Peace and Profit (Value $99)
  • Exclusive Pop up Facebook Group (Value $197)
  • Step-by-Step Workbooks (Value $97)
  • Course Q+A Session (Value $297)
  • FREE BONUS Live Masterclass



47 usd

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