1,500 Subscribers in 3 Weeks

A full behind the scenes look at the Easy Funnel Fuel Strategy we used to supercharge our email list in the leadup to our Online Course Launch (and how you can do it too!)

Your backstage pass to what's working NOW. Simply enter your details below to grab your FREE Download and let's crank up the volume your email subscribers (so you can make more sales)


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It's time to grow your launch-ready email list!

I haven't held back! In this case study you'll discover...

The Strategy

The strategy behind our pre-launch and why we chose this lead magnet in preparation for the launch of our Life Coaching Program (and how we tested it to check it would be successful before going all in)

The Stats

Our exact numbers - conversion rates, downloads, leads added to our list and more - you'll get our exact numbers to give you a benchmark.

Our Email List Explosion Tactics

The four things we did to make our prelaunch lead magnet successful and get the results we needed for our upcoming launch - and leveraging the strategies that are working in the industry now.

Funnel Fuel

Once we knew the funnel was a winner - the four funnel fuel levers we pulled to amplify our results and drive even more conversions and leads to our list, amplifying our results further!

Hello! I'm Robyn

I'm the go-to strategist for women in health and wellness who believe it's possible to earn more, while doing less.

After navigating infertility and trying to conceive, became a dove head first into training as both a certified life coach and mind-body practitioner and created a business that generated a six figure revenue in less than six hours per week so I could spend time with the two children we worked so tirelessly for and quit corporate life for one of freedom, less stress and more joy. I want that for you too...

P.S. How did I do it? Well I'm also I'm also double-degree qualified in marketing and communications and have more than 25+ years' experience as a Marketing Manager, from running $100k events to managing a team of 10 and an advertising budget of more than $13 million, as the youngest marketing manager in my last 3 corporate roles - so I took what I knew and applied it to my life coaching business.

Follow along and I'll give you the shortcut!

1,500 Subscribers in 3 Weeks

A full behind the scenes look at the Easy Funnel Fuel Strategy we used to supercharge our email list in the leadup to our Online Course Launch (and how you can do it too!)

Your backstage pass to what's working NOW. Simply enter your details below to grab your FREE Download and let's crank up the volume your email subscribers (so you can make more sales)


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Copyright 2024 The B Collective Pty Ltd, all rights reserved.

We would like to respect and honour the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation who are the traditional custodians of the land we work on today. We pay our respects to owners past and present and to the ongoing living culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait people.

CLIENT DISCLAIMER: The results of our clients are real and awesome, but please know specific results are not typical. Every effort has been made to provide you with the tools and resources to assist you in your business, however no guarantees are made that you will earn any money using the techniques, ideas and products we provide. Please note that our products are for your use only and not for resale. Further terms and disclaimers are contained within our terms and conditions.

Our programs are not endorsed, sponsored, administered or affiliated in any way with Facebook, Instagram, Meta or Pinterest, nor any of their subsidiaries. When you join this program, you are working with The B Collective Pty Ltd and not any of these companies.

Further terms and conditions are listed above.