Want to know the fastest way to explode your authority, email list and sales in just a few hours per month?

Spoiler Alert:
It's a podcast and it might just change your life...
Here's why...
Podcasts are evergreen. Meaning... if you publish your episodes strategically, that episode you published three years ago could still be generating traffic, leads and sales for you, on autopilot, while you sleep (unlike the hamster wheel of social media). And, it's like snowball effect. The more you publish, the more downloads, subscribers and sales you'll receive.
Podcasts aren't saturated, and... they're being heavily invested in by big-name companies like Spotify (and even TikTok and Twitter are exploring how Podcasts can be incorporated into their brands). To give you an idea... on YouTube there are 2,500 new videos uploaded every single minute, but Apple Podcasts lists only 450,000 active podcasts, total. That means... that it's much easier for you to rank and climb the charts.
You can show up in your PJs with no makeup on and shitty lighting. Creating a well-ranking video for YouTube is a chore. You have to get set up, make sure your lighting is on point, follow a to-the-letter script and then spend hours heavily editing your video, but podcasts? You can show up in the middle of the night, in your walk-in robe and record a beautiful and authentic video that connects deeply with your audience. And what's better? Editing is (actually) really quick and easy.
Can you relate to any of these?
It's time to stop waiting, and time to [finally] get 'start podcast' off the to-do list and into the ears of your Cloud 9 Clients.
And I'm here to guide you through the process, every step of the way.
G'day, I'm Robyn
And I'm the host of an award-winning podcast, The Fertility Warriors.
With the help of marketing strategy, mojo and blind enthusiasm, I launched a podcast that has:
- Reached nearly 1 million downloads
- Sits in the top 5% globally of all podcasts
- Has featured in the top 35 of Alternative Health alongside Oprah's Soul Sessions and Bulletproof Radio
And that very podcast, is what helped me reach a six figure revenue in my business, at a time when all I could give was six hours per week.
It's also meant that I've had top-name industry professionals and brands reaching out to me for collaborations (instead of endlessly chasing them) and been able to explode my reach, impact and revenue in just a few hours per week.
It would be my pleasure to help you do the same...
Poppin' Podcast
The step-by-step plan to creating, launching and growing your podcast so you can grow your audience, authority and revenue.

What's included in Poppin' Podcast?
What's included in Poppin' Podcast?
We've included absolutely everything you could need in this program to help you create, launch and grow your incredible podcast.
Module 1: Your Master Plan
We get straight down to business and give you the in-depth strategy on how to create a podcast that grows, what to talk about for maximum impact, and help you get started creating your Podcast Name, Description and content pillars.
Module 2: Your Juicy Reach Strategy
The secret to a podcast that continues to gain momentum is to master the art of getting found - we dive into how to do that, as well as how to create episode titles that will have your listeners ready to dive right in.
You'll also discover my three ninja (and free) SEO research tools and my juicy titles guide.
Module 3: Hype Time
In this module you'll start setting up the bones of your podcast (so you feel organised and in control the entire way) and start to plan out your launch strategy so your podcast hits it out of the gates for the get-to.
You'll also receive strategies for refreshing and relaunching a podcast and my sample podcast launch plan, as well as a weekly promotional checklist.
Module 4: Rad Recording
Here you'll find step-by-step tutorials on how to get started with recording, the tech of exactly how to record your episodes, what to say in your intro, outtro and midroll, as well as how to set up your system for incredible sound quality (so you only have minimal editing)
Module 5: Easy Editing
Short and easy to follow videos on my simple editing flow, including how to enhance and export your audio. No need to feel terrified of tech here because we break it down into simple baby steps and an easy editing flow.
Module 6: Embed, Upload, Launch!
In this module it's time to launch your beautiful podcast out to the world with a bang! We'll share with you what to expect when you launch, how to amplify your results and how to create audiograms that pop.
Module 7: Monetising your Podcast
I've literally tried it all and in this module I'll break down for you the best way to earn (great) money from your podcast and make it worth your while with a great return on investment.
Module 8: Your Poppin' Podcast Future Plan
In this module we talk about how to maintain the momentum of your podcast and create a routine of consistent publishing, as well as 60 places to promote your podcast for maximum impact.
I have been talking about creating a podcast for over a year, but it just felt so overwhelming. That’s what led me to join Poppin' Podcast. And YES!! All the handouts and video's were amazing. SOOOOO easy to follow and to go back and resource as I was correcting. Most definitely recommending Poppin' Podcast to everyone as PP has good value.
I truly want to thank you for this experience. It was so fantastic and I am so glad I dove into working with you again.
It was so great. Thanks for all your help. It was truly a great container you created.
Kate nguy

I have been wanting to do a podcast but didn’t know what to do. I joined to guide me though the process and to hold me accountable for getting it done. YES! The materials are easy to follow. The planning modules at the beginning were hard but they truly are the foundation for what I’m doing. I feel set up for success having done the first ones since I know my audience, my direction and my strategy.
100% it was fun, gave me practical tools to launch and a strategy to keep it going, definitely worth sharing to everyone.
Had I not done Poppin Podcast I’d still be sitting around wanting to do a podcast. Instead, my podcast is launched and I have plans to keep it going. Thank you for all the support and the accountability. This was 100% worth it and I’m grateful for this program.

Meta Getman
Ready to launch your Poppin' Podcast?
+ 5 more monthly payments of $119
We've got you! We have intentionally chosen our hosting and editing platforms to be incredibly easy (and cost effective) to use and we walk you through step-by-step the exact process we use (in short videos and downloadable screengrabs) so you feel supported and can move through with ease.
We also have our Facebook Group which is ready and waiting to support you with any q's you have.
Ahhh we feel you. And this is where strategy is so incredibly important. Launching a podcast is one thing, but creating a podcast that not only gets found but also becomes an authority, trust and sales machine - is a completely different ball game.
Just know that if you've already launched your podcast - there is still going to be so much goodness in this program. Past members who have already had podcasts have said that some of our worksheets are worth the price of the program alone, and have doubled (and increasing) their downloads from our program.
A podcast is the perfect traffic generator for busy entrepreneurs and launching my podcast was the catalyst for being able to grow massive amounts of trust and authority with my audience, in just a few hours per week. They can be incredibly quick to record, edit and upload - meaning that you can be done and dusted in just a few hours per month (so that then you can spend your time focused on other incredibly important elements of your business).
Ready to launch your Poppin' Podcast?
+ 5 more monthly payments of $119
I joined Poppin' Podcast because I want to get a Podcast up and running but also interested in refining my marketing strategy too. The materials are very much so easy to follow. [I] loved the first module that included content pillars. Really got me thinking. Also liked the second module on how to name podcast titles. So really enjoyed the earlier, marketing-focused modules but all the modules were really helpful for the purposes of getting a podcast up and running.
PP was definitely!!! good value for money. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone else.
You're a gun Robyn. Absolutely love the quality of your content as well as the depth of your knowledge and experience in this space. Not only that, you've got such a warm, lovely energy and you're so approachable and responsive. It's been an absolute pleasure. Looking forward to the Mastermind next year. Thanks so much!!!
Sarah Reece
I've been following you for years and think your work is amazing! I wanted to learn from you that’s what led me to join Poppin' Podcast. The materials are easy to follow! Module 2 is definitely extra valuable. The PDF about episode names was worth the tuition alone!
YES. VERY good value for money. By following PP’s process, my downloads and listens have improved! (about double what I was getting before). Yes, would recommend this to anyone else. This is an excellent course for beginners!

Michelle Kapler

Ready to launch your Poppin' Podcast?
+ 5 more monthly payments of $119
Oh, you're still here.
I totally get it.
If you've read until the bottom, it probably means that you're reaaaaalllly keen to start a podcast, but filled with fear about what will happen if you actually back yourself and actually take action.
Know this: you don't have to be a solo world-changer, you can be a contributor as part of a wider movement.
And... it's near impossible to grow your audience and revenue without putting yourself out there and prioritising audience growth.
That means... you have to get out there, you have to trust that there are people out there who are waiting to hear your voice and what you have to say.
If you're still scared, know that doesn't have to be a barrier to taking action - you can do the thing scared, and it might just work out better than you could have imagined.
And... I'll be there right alongside you, every step of the way.
Ready? Let's go!
Robyn x

Got another question? Email us at hello@launcheasylife.com