27 powerful business lessons for women in wellness

I first started my website, my anything as a food blogger – a way for me to have an outlet of creativity outside my corporate marketing career as we were starting to navigate infertility.

I later outed myself, trained as a certified Life Coach and grew a six-figure online course business supporting women emotionally through infertility and trying to conceive.


Here are 27 lessons I’ve learned along the way in my own business, and now someone who works with other wellness and health practitioners (such as life coaches, fertility coaches, nutritionists, naturopaths, dieticians and acupuncturists):

  1. Selling single sessions creates burnout, a never-ending cycle of trying to get new clients and not enough of a transformation for your clients/patients. Create a package.
  2. Chances are you don’t need another certification – you just need business support
  3. The more you learn, the more you’ll realise how much more there is to learn
  4. Don’t compare your chapter 1 with someone else’s chapter 11
  5. You won’t love your business every single day
  6. Putting 100% of your effort into one type of person, solving one problem with one program, beats 50% of your effort in two, any day of the week
  7. The value you provide in your programs and products should be 5-10x the value of what your clients receive – but that doesn’t mean you should lower your rates, it means you should increase your value
  8. Facebook Ads is just an amplifier. They either amplify what’s working or amplify what isn’t 
  9. Marketing and social media is not optional part of running your business. It’s essential.
  10. If someone tells you to cold pitch to people in the DM’s or stalk people in Facebook Groups – run
  11. Some days (many days) you’ll need to be motivated more by discipline and consistency than motivation
  1. Everyone has tasks in their business that need to be done, but don’t entirely light them up 
  2. Endless consumption of free learning (like podcasts and webinars) can be helpful, but the shortcut and true growth lies in investing in paid > expertise
  1. Nobody can work with you if they don’t know you exist. You have to be visible
  2. Every choice you make in your business is a vote for the type of business you want
  3. When you choose a business mentor, choose one who has the type of business you want – if you choose someone who works 76 hours per week in their business, you’ll inevitably start creating that for yourself too
  4. There will always be people for whom your offer is out of reach. That doesn’t mean you need to lower your prices.
  5. Stop expecting overnight success. Be the person who shows up consistently, even when nobody is cheering
  6. Your worth is unrelated to the results you achieve in your business. Just because you don’t reach a goal. doesn’t mean you weren’t worthy of achieving it
  7. Trying and failing always feels better than getting a year down the track and still being too scared to leap forward.
  8. Less likes and follows. More conversations and connection
  9. Going viral is not the goal. You don’t want to reach a million people who won’t work with you – instead, you want to go deep with 100 people who do.
  10. When you launch – there will always be tech issues, sick kids and curveballs – the people who win are the people who keep going anyway
  11. You can care deeply about your patients/clients without carrying their problems
  12. The best strategy is the one you execute consistently and properly
  13. Instead of always chasing new clients, aim to nurture the ones you already have
  14. You won’t stand out if everything you do is generic and vanilla. When everyone zigs, you need to zag.


Growing your wellness business and want to learn strategies on how to get further without burnout?

Follow me here @launcheasylife Comment the word secrets and I’ll send you a link with 21 secrets that helped me reach 6 figures in 6 hours per week




Daily tips on growing your audience, impact and revenue (without sacrificing your life): @robynbirkin

Feel like you're growing your business and there's only so many hours in the day? I hear you!

In 2018 I felt like I was running on a hamster wheel of 'things I should be doing' in my business and getting absolutely nowhere. So much so, that in November 2018 I announced to my audience that I was quitting. It was beyond exhausting and I at the same time as I was growing my wellness business, I was helping my husband with his and growing two beautiful girls.

Except that... (that's the funny thing about a calling - they won't leave you alone) I just couldn't stop and actually quit.

Turns out, I didn't need to quit - I just needed to stop taking advice from everyone else and get hyper-focused and strategic. with my business. At the same time as I cut my hours to a tiny six hours per week in my business, I reached a six figure revenue. Want to learn how? Well it started with stepping out of 1:1 Coaching and launching my very own signature program, and then scaling with peace and profit levers. Click here to learn exactly how I created a profitable, part-time business.

(Even if you still want to do 1:1 coaching, or you've already launched - I promise this is going to be super helpful.)


My Little Black Book

Stop clicking around the interwebs trying to find the best tools, tech and suppliers - I've tried (nearly all) of them - download my Little Black Book.

Likes to Leads

Turn your Instagram Account into a 24/7 lead generating machine and explode your email list, so you can double your next launch.

1,500 Email Subscribers in 3 weeks

Behind the Scenes of the Easy Funnel Fuel Strategy we used to supercharge our email list in the leadup to our online course launch