One of the women in my mastermind said to me recently on a call – how did you become SO good at Instagram and Facebook Ads? Because you see – we work with our clients A LOT on how to build their leads and sell their programs with the support ...

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I just knew it! I knew this new free guide would be a winner and it has! It’s had more than 150 downloads in just a few days and the feedback has been incredible. It’s my 16 hour CEO Guide and it’s a free 24 guide with exactly how I ...

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There’s been several points in my business when I’ve realised that if nothing changes, nothing changes, the market has evolved and so have I. So what are five things I used to do or say in my business that I no longer do? This is what I’m diving into in ...

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Have you ever felt like you’re a rollercoaster of emotions and productivity in your business? Like… one minute you’re inspired and outgoing and an absolute productivity powerhouse, and then the next minute you’re feeling like you want to burn your business to the ground, never show your face on Social ...

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I’m going to tell you something today that not many business coaches (well I am more of a strategist and consultant but because ya’ll use that language that’s what I’ll use today) will tell you and that’s this: There’s nothing wrong with investing money in your business, but not all ...

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I built a six figure life coaching business in just six hours per week, but I didn’t build it by doing all the things and being in all the places. In fact, I built it by doing just a few things, well. In today’s episode I’m talking about 3 things ...

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