I just knew it! I knew this new free guide would be a winner and it has! It’s had more than 150 downloads in just a few days and the feedback has been incredible. It’s my 16 hour CEO Guide and it’s a free 24 guide with exactly how I ...

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It is my pleasure to invite my friend Alice Rose on the the podcast. I have absolute love heart eyes for Alice who is an incredible community leader and transformational coach and it’s awesome that we get to chat today – and especially about all things growing an audience. Once ...

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It’s my pleasure to welcome Angela Henderson to the podcast today – Angela is a dear friend of mine and was my coach for 18 months and held me through what was a very messy period in my life when Ross and I separated… and then got back together! And ...

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I’ve spent the last 5 years coaching, mentoring and strategising with other women with 1:1 services and courses within health and wellness. I’ve come to notice, time and time again, that the ones who succeed…in part-time hours, have these five strategies in common to help them get to six figures ...

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In today’s episode I’m talking about what’s working in online business in 2024 and I don’t even know if I’d go so far as to call them upcoming trends, because they’re a reflection of what I’ve seen working already in 2023. There was a big difference last year between the ...

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Want to get more sales from your lead magnets? In today’s podcast episode, I’m dropping some of my best tips on how to get more sales in your online business from your lead magnets. If someone joins your email list by downloading your lead magnet, that means they’re aware of ...

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