Want more leads from Instagram? I’ve actually never seen a platform quite like Instagram. Outside of podcasting (which is my love language), Instagram is such a powerful and free advertising platform for your business, with a really high calibre of leads and clients, especially if you’re a health and wellness ...

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If you’re starting an online business, it’s SO hard to decide where to spend your money, and we’re living in a day and age where it’s so incredibly easy to start a business. Back when I started my career in Marketing and thinking of the types of businesses we’d work ...

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We just wrapped up our latest (and last) launch of my life coaching program, The Reset and had 1,500 new email subscribers join our list over 3 weeks – and, it was one of the most relaxed launches I’ve ever had. Whether you’re trying to get your first 100 subscribers ...

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Y’all, I can spot your ChatGPT sales pages, ads and social media posts from a mile away and sorry not sorry but you’re doing yourself a disservice. So, in my very first guest expert interview, I’ve brought on my friend and copywriter Elizabeth McKenzie from Write or Die to talk ...

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By popular demand we’re releasing an episode of the podcast on How to deal with trolls and triggered people—and I wanted to include that second part in there because yes, sometimes you’ll get trolls (but often they’re easy to deal with because trolls are just folks intentionally trying to cause ...

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Today on the podcast I’m talking about 8 uncommon things I did in the early days of growing my business (that most people won’t do) and I’m talking about this as I’m feeling reflective about the growth that we’ve accomplished in my life coaching brand. We’re in the midst right ...

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